The Embassy of Algeria in London is pleased to inform all Algerian nationals residing in the UK and Ireland who are registered in the electoral list at the Algerian Consulate General in London, that in line with the provisions of article 161 of the Organic Law N° 21-03 on mars 10, 2021, they can apply for a proxy if they are unable to vote in person, as follows:
- Nationals can submit the proxy form at the Consulate General of Algeria in person.
- Nationals who will not be able to come in person can provide any written document mandating their right to another person. This document should be notarised.
- The mandator and the mandatary must to be registered in the electoral list within the same polling station. The mandatary can exercise only one proxy vote.
PS. The legal period specified for preparing proxies will expire three (03) days before the election’s date, according to Article 162 of Organic Law No N° 21-03 on mars 10, 2021 related to the electoral system.