The President of the Republic Abdelmadjid Tebboune appointed on 7th July the members of the new government led by Prime Minister Aïmene Benabderrahmane.
Here is the list of the members of the new government:
- Aïmene Benabderrahmane: Prime Minister and Minister of Finance
- Ramtane Lamamra: Minister of Foreign Affairs and National Community Abroad
- Kamal Beldjoud: Minister of Interior, Local Authorities and National Planning
- Abderrachid Tebbi: Minister of Justice
- Mohamed Arkab: Minister of Energy and Mining
- Ben Attou Ziane: Minister of Energy Transition and Renewable Energy
- Laïd Rebigua: Minister of Mujahedeen and Right-Holders
- Youcef Belmehdi: Minister of Religious Affairs and Wakfs
- Abdelhakim Belabed: Minister of National Education
- Abdelbaki Benziane: Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research
- Yacine Merabi: Minister of Vocational Training and Education
- Wafa Chaalal: Minister of Culture and Arts
- Abderezak Sebgag: Minister of Youth and Sports
- Hocine Charhabil: Minister of Digitisation and Statistics
- Karim Bibi Triki: Minister of Post and Telecommunications
- Kaouthar Krikou: Minister of National Solidarity, Family and Women’s Issues
- Ahmed Zeghdar: Minister of Industry
- Abdelhamid Hamdani: Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development
- Mohamed Tarek Belaribi: Minister of Housing, Urban Planning and the City
- Kamel Rezig: Minister of Trade and Export Promotion
- Ammar Belhimer: Minister of Communication
- Kamel Nasri: Minister of Public Works
- Aïssa Bekkaï: Minister of Transport
- Karim Hasni: Minister of Water Resources and Water Security
- Yacine Hammadi: Minister of Tourism and Craft Industry
- Abderrahmane Benbouzid: Minister of Health
- Abderrahmane Lahfaya: Minister of Labour, Employment and Social Security
- Basma Azouar: Minister of Relations with Parliament
- Samia Moualfi: Minister of Environment
- Hicham Sofiane Salawatchi: Minister of Fisheries and Fish Production
- Abderrahmane Lotfi Djamel Benbahmed: Minister of Pharmaceutical Industry
- Nassim Dhiafat: Deputy Minister for micro-entreprises
- Yacine El-Mahdi Walid: Deputy Minister for Economy of Knowledge and Startups
- Yahia Boukhari: Secretary General of the Government.