Following the decision of the Ministry of Higher Education to recall all sponsored students, at the end of their scholarships in The UK, please contact directly the Agency of Air Algérie in London through the following telephone number: 02074868068, or the email: rg.uk@airalgerie.dz, indicating name and first name, telephone number, passport number, University cohort and expected date of return.
There is no direct flight yet from UK to Algeria. Your return flights will be scheduled via a European country, subject to seat availability.
Students are encouraged to look for seats on other airlines serving Algeria, such as Lufthansa via Frankfurt, Alitalia via Rome, Turkish Airlines via Istanbul, Vueling, Transavia, Air France and ASL Airlines via France.
Students are requested to contact their original universities regarding the acquisition of their tickets.
Due to the limited number of seats available, we ask you to fix well in advance the date of your return, and not make last-minute changes.