The Embassy and “Algeria British Business Council” (ABBC) organised a webinar, on 30th June, entitled: “Investing in Algeria: Hydrocarbon Law, 2021” to discuss the new law on hydrocarbon adopted in 2019.
Among the participants at this webinar were: Mr. Abderrahamne Benguerrah, Ambassador of Algeria to the UK, Mr. Alexander Stafford, Member of Parliament and Chair of Algeria British Parliamentary Group, Lady Olga Maitland, ABBC Chairman, Officials from the Algerian Ministry of Energy and Mines, SONATRACH and the Algerian Agency ALNAFT as well as experts and representatives from British companies.
Furthermore, 250 representatives from the British business and diplomatic community attended this event.
In his opening remarks, Mr. Benguerrah, gave an overview on the new hydrocarbon law, which brought about benefits and advantages pertaining to contractual framework, fiscal system and conduct of operations.
He emphasize that this new law is part of a set of ambitious and large scale reforms being gradually introduced by the Algerian government to further improve the business climate and diversify the economy.
The participants and experts praised, during this webinar, the new provisions of the hydrocarbon Law which is, according them, one of the best legal frameworks governing investments in the hydrocarbon sector.
Watch the Webinar here.