The Embassy and Algeria British Business Council (ABBC) organised a webinar, on 29th September, entitled: “Cyber Security – Shared Threat and Solutions”.
Among the participants were: Mr. Abderrahmane Benguerrah, Ambassador of Algeria to the UK, Mrs Sharon Wardle, British Ambassador to Algeria, Lady Olga MaiWebinar on Cyber Security – Shared Threat and Solutionstland, ABBC Chairman, and Officials from the Algerian Ministries of Post and Telecommunications, Interior and National Defense as well as experts and representatives from British companies.
After welcoming the participants and introducing the subject of the webinar, Lady Olga Maitland gave the floor to the speakers.
In his opening remarks, Ambassador Benguerrah highlighted the organisational mechanism and the legal framework, as well as the human and material resources set by Algeria to strengthen its IT security. He indicated that Algeria and the United Kingdom are important partners who can set up a fruitful cooperation in this field.
Ambassador Wardle noted that the UK has also been the target of cyber attacks but she said her country has the technological capacity and expertise to meet such challenges.
The other speakers raised issues related to cyber security and discussed the ways and means to fight cyber criminality.