A virtual Round Table on business and investment opportunities in Algeria, was organised on the 15th of October 2020, in collaboration with the Algerian-British Business Council (ABBC).
Among the participants were: Lord Richard Risby, Personal Envoy of the Prime Minister for Economic Partnership with Algeria, Mr. Abderrahmane Benguerrah, Ambassador of Algeria to the UK, Mr. James Feilder, CEO of HSBC Algeria Bank, Mr. Mathieu Beaucourt, Managing Director of KPMG Algeria.
More than 110 businessmen and representatives of Algerian and British economic companies participated in this event.
In his presentation, Ambassador Benguerrah addressed the state of the economy in Algeria and the numerous business opportunities made possible by the multiple reforms and measures introduced by the Algerian Government. He and participants discussed, in particular, the news laws on Investment, Hydrocarbons and Money and Credit and expressed their optimism on their positive effects on the business climate in Algeria and in attracting British and other foreign investments.
Furthermore, the participants discussed the decisions taken by the Government to promote the launching and development of Start-ups, the digitization of the national economy, the energy transition and the development of renewable energies, as well as the revival of the mining industry.
In conclusion, the participants welcomed the new business atmosphere in Algeria and the resolve of the government to reform the economy with the adoption of concrete measures, some of which have already been implemented.