Ambassador Lounès Magramane received on 25th January 2023, a courtesy visit at the Embassy of Algeria from Mr. Jeremiah Nyamane Mamabolo, High Commissioner of South Africa to the United Kingdom. On this occasion, both had fruitful discussions where they exchanged views on a range of regional and international issues.
Ambassador Lounès Magramane attends the launch of the Developing Countries Trading Scheme (DCTS)
Posted on January 20, 2023January 20, 2023Categories UncategorizedAmbassador Lounès Magramane took part in the reception organised by the FCDO and the DIT on the occasion of the launch of the Developing Countries Trading Scheme (DCTS) with the presence of Minister of State, Anne-Marie Trevelyan and DIT Minister of State, Greg Hands.
Ambassador’s best wishes on the occasion of Yennayer 2973
Posted on January 12, 2023January 12, 2023Categories Uncategorizedبمناسبة حلول السنة الأمازيغية الجديدة 2973، يسعدني، نيابة عن طاقم السفارة وباسم الخاص، أن أتقدم لأفراد الجالية الجزائرية المقيمة بالمملكة المتحدة لبريطانيا العظمى وايرلندا الشمالية بالتهاني الحارة مشفوعة بخالص تمنياتي بموفور الصحة والعافية، راجيا من المولى القدير أن تكون سنة خير وبركات وازدهار لوطننا الحبيب أسقاس أمقاس السفيرلوناس مقرمان On the occasion of the Amazigh New Year-Yennayer 2973, I am delighted to extend, on behalf of the Embassy staff and my behalf, my warmest congratulations and best wishes to the … Continue reading “Ambassador’s best wishes on the occasion of Yennayer 2973”
Ambassador’s best wishes on the New Year 2023
Posted on December 30, 2022January 27, 2023Categories Uncategorizedيسرّني بحلول السنة الميلادية الجديدة 2023 أن أتقدم إلى أعضاء الجالية الجزائرية بالمملكة المتحدة لبريطانيا العظمى وايرلندا الشمالية، نيابة عن زملائي بالسفارة وأصالة عن نفسي، بالتهاني الحارة مع تمنياتي الخالصة بموفور الصحة والسعادة، وبمزيد من التقدم والازدهار والرخاء لبلدنا الحبيب كل عام وأنتم بخير السفير لوناس مقرمان ************************ On the occasion of the New Year 2023, I am very pleased to extend to the members of the Algerian community in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, on … Continue reading “Ambassador’s best wishes on the New Year 2023”
Visa on arrival for tourists visiting Algeria’s Sahara regions
Posted on December 29, 2022December 29, 2022Categories UncategorizedAmbassador Magramane meets with Mr. Kitack Lim, Secretary-General of the International Maritime Organisation
Posted on December 8, 2022December 8, 2022Categories UncategorizedAmbassador Lounès Magramane had a meeting on 7th December with Mr. Kitack Lim, Secretary-General of the International Maritime Organisation. They discussed the cooperation between Algeria and IMO and Ambassador Magramane reiterated to his counterpart Algeria’s willingness to strengthen and support the efforts of the Organisation in many fields.
Prime Minister Benabderrahmane receives UK Prime Minister’s Trade Envoy to Algeria, Lord Richard Risby
Posted on November 30, 2022November 30, 2022Categories Uncategorized Leave a comment on Prime Minister Benabderrahmane receives UK Prime Minister’s Trade Envoy to Algeria, Lord Richard RisbyPrime Minister Aimene Benabderrahmane received Tuesday 29th November, in Algiers, the UK Prime Minister’s Trade Envoy to Algeria Lord Richard Risby, who is on a working visit to Algeria, the Prime Minister’s Office said in a statement. The meeting was an opportunity to discuss the state and prospects of bilateral relations and ways to strengthen cooperation between the two countries, notably through the reactivation of bilateral cooperation mechanisms and frameworks for joint action aiming at developing and diversifying the Algerian-British … Continue reading “Prime Minister Benabderrahmane receives UK Prime Minister’s Trade Envoy to Algeria, Lord Richard Risby”
Ambassador Lounès MAGRAMANE attends the Annual Dinner of the Algerian-British Business Council (ABBC)
Posted on November 25, 2022November 29, 2022Categories UncategorizedAmbassador Lounès Magramane attended on 24 November 2022, the Annual Dinner organised by the Algerian-British Business Council (ABBC) at the House of Lords, during which he addressed the British business leaders on the economic potential and business opportunities in Algeria. He also highlighted the positive economic developments in Algeria thanks to several reforms introduced under the wise leadership of the President of the Republic, Mr. Abdelmadjid Tebboune, and culminated by a new investment legal framework, which is seen as the … Continue reading “Ambassador Lounès MAGRAMANE attends the Annual Dinner of the Algerian-British Business Council (ABBC)”
البرلمان البريطاني يحيي الذكرى الـ 60 لإقامة العلاقات الجزائرية-البريطانية
Posted on November 22, 2022November 23, 2022Categories Uncategorizedندن- أحيت الغرفة السفلى للبرلمان البريطاني الذكرى ال60 لإقامة العلاقات الدبلوماسية بين الجزائر والمملكة المتحدة بنقاش ثري تناول كافة جوانب العلاقة القائمة بين البلدين عبر التاريخ و لكن تحديدا خلال العشريات الأخيرة و ذكر ممثل الحكومة, نائب كاتب الدولة البريطاني للشؤون الخارجية و الكومنولث و التنمية, ديفيد راتلي الذي شارك في النقاش المنظم بمبادرة المجموعة البرلمانية متعددة الأطراف حول الجزائر أن “المملكة المتحدة صديقة وفية للشعب الجزائري منذ استقلاله في 1962”, مضيفا أن البلدين “تقاسما نجاحات و لحظات صعبة لكن … Continue reading “البرلمان البريطاني يحيي الذكرى الـ 60 لإقامة العلاقات الجزائرية-البريطانية”
Reception on the occasion of the 68th anniversary of the outbreak of the Algerian Revolution
Posted on November 18, 2022November 19, 2022Categories UncategorizedThe Embassy organised on the 16th November 2022 a reception to celebrate the 68th Anniversary of the outbreak of the Algerian Revolution of the 1st of November 1954, with the presence of Lord Richard Risby, Prime Minister’s Trade Envoy to Algeria.