President Tebboune addressed the following message of condolences to the families of the forest fires in many regions of the country: “With great sadness and sorrow, I received the news of the martyrdom of 25 members of the People’s National Army, after they succeeded in rescuing more than a hundred citizens from the burning fires, in the mountains of Bejaia and Tizi Ouzou. My condolences to all the families of the martyrs, we belong to God and to Him we shall return.”
“All available means, materially and humanly, have been mobilized to confront these fires, which affect several states, until we finally overcome this catastrophe. The state will immediately start counting the losses and compensating the affected.”
“Our redeemed homeland is once again experiencing a painful ordeal that is added to the ordeals it has experienced this year. And just as we won in previous adversities, we will prevail in these, God willing. Our hearts are with everyone who contributed to putting out the fire, as we instructed to take all necessary measures to control and master the situation.”