Seizing the opportunity of the visit by Mr. Yacine El Mahdi Oualid, Minister of the Knowledge Economy, Start-ups, and Microenterprises, to London from 3rd to 5th May 2024, to participate in the 21st Annual MENA Start-ups Conference organised by the London Business School (LBS), the Embassy took the initiative to organise a briefing/discussion on 3rd May, 2024, in collaboration with the Algerian-British Business Council (ABBC). The event, titled “The Knowledge Economy, Start-ups, and Artificial Intelligence: Challenges and Prospects,” brought together around 100 Algerian and British participants representing start-ups, the business community, researchers, academics, and British institutions responsible for entrepreneurship and the knowledge economy.
This meeting provided an opportunity to discuss pathways and mechanisms to strengthen Algerian-British cooperation in the fields of knowledge economy, start-ups, artificial intelligence, and innovation. It concluded with an informal session between the Minister and the Algerian start-up community established in the United Kingdom, during which a fruitful exchange took place on the potential contributions this segment of our community could make to Algeria.